About Pallotta Teamworks: Litigation (2002-2005)
Pallotta TeamWorks subsequently sued Avon for breach of contract.
In the contract on which Pallotta TeamWorks sued, Avon had guaranteed that they would not use Pallotta TeamWorks' event concept. Specifically, the contract stated that: "The multi-city [...] walkathon event with a 4-figure minimum pledge required of participants, as well as the marketing and fund-raising tools used to make the event successful, are original concepts of TeamWorks and Avon guarantees that they shall not be used, by Avon regardless of the termination of this agreement without the express written consent of TeamWorks." No one at Avon asked for Pallotta TeamWorks' consent. A David vs. Goliath battle ensued. Weeks after Pallotta TeamWorks filed the lawsuit, Avon filed a countersuit, in part demanding an accounting for the five years of the 3-Day program, and, eventually, claiming some $20 million was owed to them.